Coach charter in Ludwigshafen am Rhein and bus hire in Rhineland-Palatinate

Company data of Ludwigshafen am Rhein order buses

Germany: Buses hire in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rhineland-PalatinateThe coach charter platform Ludwigshafen am Rhein order buses results from a well matched co-operation between the coach tour operator City Tours Europe and a high number of local bus companies in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, from other places in Germany, from the neighboring countries North Rhine-Westphalia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Saarland, France, and Baden-Württemberg, and from other countries in Europe. Ludwigshafen am Rhein order buses's services aggregate astonishingly easy hiring of chauffeur-driven means of transportation around and on the surface of Ludwigshafen am Rhein and in its adpressed regions. Besides this, Ludwigshafen am Rhein order buses can also hire out superior buses for street tours in Rhineland-Palatinate and in each and every of its circumferent territories Belgium, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, Luxembourg, France, and Baden-Württemberg. We are prepared to clarify all your queries with reference to our agency and with reference to the many different and reputated bus hire companies with which we work together. Please don't hesitate to drop us a message at the address .

Learn about the intercontinental coach charter company City Tours Europe

The irreprehensible tour company City Tours Europe was founded in Vienna in 2005 and mainly focusses upon instant chartering of chauffeur-driven vehicles in the context of travel itineraries and sightseeing tours in any address, as well as in any topographically close and distant zones of Europe. City Tours Europe operates in all the many regions of Europe and runs field offices in the following countries: Poland, Austria, Italy, and Germany.

Listed below are the corporate notifications of City Tours Europe

Rhineland-Palatinate: Coaches booking in Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyIn case you wish to learn more important info about City Tours Europe, please see the website Europe Buses.

  • Company seat: City Tours GmbH - Deutschland, Hauptstraße 34, D-99439 An Ettersberg (Berlstedt), Germany. Landline phone: +49 203 98 42 10 51. Fax: +49 322 21 73 95 74.
  • Executive board and Corporate capital: Alexander Ehrlich (director) and Katarina Bachner (authorized signatory). Corporate capital: EUR 35.000,00, referring to the corporate capital of City Tours GmbH with seat in Vienna (Austria), which is the parent company of City Tours GmbH - Deutschland (a foreign branch office of City Tours GmbH).
  • Active licenses: Tour operator license n° 2011/0010 at the Austrian ministry for economy and labour. Privacy protection n° 3000394 at the Austrian data protection commission. Member of: Chamber of commerce Jena. VAT-ID: DE815344110. Registration number: HRB 515435, at the Court of Jena. Insolvability insurance: Zürich Insurance, policy n°: 701.014.823.504. Executor: Europ. Reiseversicherung, Kratochwjlestr. 4, 1220 Wien. Information about privacy policy and data protection: please read here. For more information, please read the subsequent website:

Varieties of selectable coaches, microbuses and limousines in Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Germany: Buses hire in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rhineland-PalatinateDependent on the precise passenger quantity, our friendly staff is available to send out pristine vehicles of varying capience, most notably first-league buses, de luxe microcoaches, and highclass sedans within the boundaries and in the surroundings of Ludwigshafen am Rhein.

  • Rent untarnished buses or first class coaches: If your club wants to place a booking for a motorbus in the neighborhood of Ludwigshafen am Rhein, our efficient personnel will absolutely be contented overjoyed to put together your bus reservation. In addition to this, our company is also looking forward to propose some different touristic kinds of service, like qualified tourguide service in Rhineland-Palatinate and in any of its contiguous areas.
  • Hire well-kept minibuses or speckless microcoaches: Our efficient team is longing to offer tailor-made minivan reserving for travel itineraries and sightseeing tours from within the limits and in the surroundings of Ludwigshafen am Rhein to wherever you desire in Rhineland-Palatinate and Germany. Count on our experienced team if you are in need of to carry few tourists from the meeting point to the destination.
  • Find maintained limousines or untainted sedans: With the coach operator City Tours Europe, private travellers and business orderers are invited to charter your sought-after terrific sedans, cars and limousines for point-to-point airport arrival journeys by cars, limousines and sedans in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. But our nice office staff can equally offer limousines, cars and sedans with a experienced and nice driver for professional sightseeing itineraries within Rhineland-Palatinate as well as in the abutting countries Sweden, Poland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Austria, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Czech Republic.

Find a top-quality vehicle in all districts of Ludwigshafen am Rhein

Rhineland-Palatinate: Coaches booking in Rhineland-Palatinate, GermanyIn alliance with the most eminent coach suppliers that are seated in Germany and all parts of Europe, bus company Ludwigshafen am Rhein order buses pre-eminently provides custom-made motorized vehicle rental within the boundaries and in the vicinities of Ludwigshafen am Rhein. In case you wish to hire a minicoach or a coach in the neighbourhood of Ludwigshafen am Rhein or anywhere else in Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg, Saarland, France, Luxembourg, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Belgium we hope for you to drop us a line at .