Coach charter in Schwäbisch Hall and bus hire in Baden-Württemberg

Company data of Schwäbisch Hall motorbuses booking

Germany: Buses reservation in Schwäbisch Hall, Baden-WürttembergThe bus charter platform Schwäbisch Hall motorbuses booking results of a high-yielding co-operation between the bus tour operator City Tours Europe and most bus companies from Schwäbisch Hall, from entire Germany, from the neighbouring countries Switzerland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Liechtenstein, Hesse, France, Bavaria, and Austria, as well as from the totality of Europe. Schwäbisch Hall motorbuses booking's services aggregate prompt reservation of chauffeur-driven coaches within the boundaries and in the surroundings of Schwäbisch Hall and near it. Also, Schwäbisch Hall motorbuses booking can also rent out well-maintained buses for itineraries in Baden-Württemberg and in every one of its encompassing areas Rhineland-Palatinate, Liechtenstein, Hesse, Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland, and France. We can answer our customer's queries with reference to our bureau and concerning the many respected bus owners with whom we work side by side. Please don't hesitate to just drop us a line by email at .

Get to know the international group tour company City Tours Europe

The long-established tour company City Tours Europe is a private company and concentrates on efficient booking of private coaches for excursions, tours and transfers in Germany, as well as in all close or far afield areas within the limits of Europe. City Tours Europe works in all areas belonging to Europe and operates branch bureaus in these states: Germany, Austria, Italy, and Poland.

Listed below are the legal information of City Tours Europe

Baden-Württemberg: Buses agency in Baden-Württemberg, GermanyIf you desire to learn more important facts about City Tours Europe, please visit the website Europe Buses.

  • Contact information: City Tours GmbH - Deutschland, Hauptstraße 34, D-99439 An Ettersberg (Berlstedt), Germany. Telephone number: +49 203 98 42 10 51. Telefax line: +49 322 21 73 95 74.
  • Board of Management and Corporate Capital: Alexander Ehrlich (director) and Katarina Bachner (authorized signatory). Corporate capital: EUR 35.000,00, referring to the corporate capital of City Tours GmbH with seat in Vienna (Austria), which is the parent company of City Tours GmbH - Deutschland (a foreign branch office of City Tours GmbH).
  • Important company licenses: Tour operator license n° 2011/0010 at the Austrian ministry for economy and labour. Privacy protection n° 3000394 at the Austrian data protection commission. Member of: Chamber of commerce Jena. VAT-ID: DE815344110. Registration number: HRB 515435, at the Court of Jena. Insolvability insurance: Zürich Insurance, policy n°: 701.014.823.504. Executor: Europ. Reiseversicherung, Kratochwjlestr. 4, 1220 Wien. Information about privacy policy and data protection: please click here. To learn more about us, you are welcome to visit the following URL:

Kinds of eligible means of transportation in Schwäbisch Hall

Germany: Buses reservation in Schwäbisch Hall, Baden-WürttembergOn the basis of the precise quantity of travellers, our team of experts can satisfy your needs by lending you pristine vehicles of various holding capacity, in particular flawless buses, immaculate microcoaches, and unflawed sedans around and inside of Schwäbisch Hall.

  • Rent outstanding buses and untainted coaches: If your team wants to book a reliable bus in the neighborhood of Schwäbisch Hall, our operator team will be proud to efficiently provide your bus hiring. Apart from this, our agency is also willing and ready to propose a handful accessory touristic kinds of service, like skilled tour guide service in Baden-Württemberg and in each of its contiguous areas.
  • Order untainted minibuses or speckless microcoaches: Our nice personnel is ready and able to deliver personalized minibus and driver booking for excursions, transfers and tours from near Schwäbisch Hall to any address in Baden-Württemberg and Germany. Trust our efficient personnel if you are looking to move few passengers.
  • Reserve secure limousines and up-market sedans: At the group tour company City Tours Europe, non-corporate people and business contractors can book different kinds of speckless sedans, cars and limousines for quick innerurban rides by cars, sedans and limousines in Schwäbisch Hall. But our dedicated personnel will also happily offer cars, limousines and sedans with a reliable and fully-fledged driver for prime sightseeing circuits in Baden-Württemberg as well as to the encompassing countries Austria, Bavaria, France, Hesse, Liechtenstein, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Switzerland.

Reserve a first class vehicle in all places in Schwäbisch Hall and its neighborhood

Baden-Württemberg: Buses agency in Baden-Württemberg, GermanyShoulder to shoulder with a multitude of bus operators that work from Germany and entire Europe, coach company Schwäbisch Hall motorbuses booking pre-eminently provides made-to-measure passenger vehicle hire within the limits and in the vicinities of Schwäbisch Hall. If you need to book a coach around Schwäbisch Hall or at some other place in Germany, please don't wait to just drop us a note at .